Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hot Toys MMS 55 1/6 Predalien Review

Hi all! Chinese new year is just around the corner and i'll like to take this opportunity to wish all of you guys & girls out there a Happy & Prosperous New Year.
Today i'll review a recent purchase that i have been soughting for some time now.....The Predalien Hybrid!!  I got this figure MIB from a friend of mine who's clearing some of his old stuffs. Lucky me as i started late into the Hottoys predators line so i missed out some of the cool older releases. 

First i'll start with the accessories.....only a pair of bendable hands and a pair of spare hands lol.That's it.
Out of the box we have to attach a leg , arm and tail to the body. This is very simple compared to the earlier predators assembly which requires us to build and gear the entire figure.
I have attached the bendy hands for this review.


Now once we finished assembling the figure, the first thing that comes to my mind is What a Big Awesome Figure! This is the tallest figure of my entire 1/6 collection standing at around 18" with both legs fully extended.

Big Evil

The details on this figure is solid. From the head piece to the arms body legs and even the tail. Sometimes i think my pictures don't do her justice lol. I be referring this predalien as 'her' as i think of this hybrid as a queen amongst the xenomorphs. From her crown, ferocity, size and lastly reproducing capabilities they all resembles an alien queen.

The colour scheme of this figure is yellowish/beige in front and blackish grey at the back.I guess they represents the colours of the two species well for a hybrid.

The attention paid to the sculpting is incredible. The paint job is also top notch.

First the head: She comes with a black transparent dome and you can see the half skull in it(in this case predator skull). Her mandibles can be moved individually vertically and horizontally.

The dreads on both side of her head are made of a soft rubber material and they're flexible.

View from the top of her crown

Her inner set of 'killing' jaws can be extended from her mouth via a lever(at the underside of her crown) which we can push....the mouth then opens and the inner jaws extends outwards.

Open up and say ahhhh!!
In the movie, this inner jaws is also used to implant multiple alien eggs into women. These eggs hatch into chest busters automatically rather than the 'traditional' single egg-facehugger-chestbuster cycle.She can reproduce multiple aliens directly from one host.
She can also rotate her head via a ball joint at the neck.
4 POAs for the head.

Her skeleton body is covered with a sculpted silicone/rubber material with hides the joints well.

The is articulation at the mid body area below the chest.
The arms are connected to the body with a ball joint. The elbow area which connects the for arm to the biceps with ball joints is laced with a silicone/rubbery to hide the joints.
The hands are connected to a peg at the wrist area.
6 POAs for the hands.

Her legs are connected to the groin area via a ball joint. The knee connector is again hidden with a rubbery overlay to hide the joints and it connects the thighs to the calfs with a ball joint each. The feets are connected to the ankle via a ball joint also. So it's 5 POAs to each leg.

The tail is made of rubber and has a wire running within it. It is flexible and helps alot to stabilize this figure when posing or standing.

Overall i like this figure alot. The sculpt is nice, paint work is top notch. On top of that she has the size and the  cool POAs going for her.The only problem is her standing issue. I have to use her tail as her third leg to support and stabilize her.Hottoys could have given her a display stand to ease the posing issue.
Other than that i really can't find any flaws with this figure.
Now my predators have something to fear lol.
If you like the Alien vs Predator franchise i recommend this piece to you, but on a side note this figure is hard to find in the market right now and prices on the secondary market is sky high. Good luck to you if you're going for it XD.
Till next time, hope this review has been helpful...ciao!